Sofie Heilbrunner geb. Weil
SOFIE (also Sophie) HEILBRUNNER was born as Sofie WEIL on September 28, 1870 in Sulzburg. She was married to the insurance inspector JULIUS HEILBRUNNER. The couple last lived with IDA HEILBRUNNER, Julius‘ sister, on the third floor of Egonstrasse 48. On October 22, 1940, the day of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, they had to gather at the Hebelschule in Stühlinger. They were deported to the Gurs camp together with more than 352 Jewish people from Freiburg – and more than 6,000 people from Baden and the Saarpfalz.
The Nazis – especially Gauleiters Bürckel and Wagner – wanted to „make Baden and the Saarpfalz free of Jews“. Nobody knew exactly where the deported people were to be taken. To Madagascar? Shipments were impossible at that time. To Lourdes? There was a flood there at the time. So they were taken to the camp for refugees and for escaped Spanish fighters from the International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War in Gurs in the Pyrenees. At first Gurs was actually just an internment camp, but it was strictly guarded by the French police. It was in the part of France that had not yet been occupied by Nazi troops.
The deportees were only allowed to take some luggage and 100 Reichsmarks with them. The apartment was sealed after they left. As we now know, the apartment inventory was offered at auction in December 1940 and was actually bought by people from Freiburg. It is likely to still exist in many apartments in Freiburg today.
We do not know what exactly happened to SOFIE HEILBRUNNER. Her name cannot be found in the lists of the dead in Gurs, Noe, Recebedou or Rivesaltes. Her name is also not on the Klarsfeld lists or the Vormeier list. Her name can only be found in another Klarsfeld list with the deportation destination Gurs. She has been officially declared dead.
SOFIE (also Sophie) HEILBRUNNER was born as Sofie WEIL on September 28, 1870 in Sulzburg. She was married to the insurance inspector JULIUS HEILBRUNNER. The couple last lived with IDA HEILBRUNNER, Julius‘ sister, at Egonstraße 48, third floor. On 22 October 1940, a day of the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles, they were forced to assemble at the Hebelschule in Stühlinger. Together with more than 352 Jewish people from Freiburg -and more than 6000 people from Baden and the Saar Palatinate -they were deported to the Gurs camp.
The Nazis -especially the Gauleiters Bürckel and Wagner -wanted to „purify Baden and the Saar Palatinate of Jews“. No one knew exactly where the deported people were to be taken. To Madagascar? Shipments were impossible at that time. To Lourdes? There were floods there at the time. So to the camp for refugees and for escaped Spanish fighters of the International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War in Gurs in the Pyrenees. At first, Gurs was really just an internment camp, but it was strictly guarded by the French police. It was located in the part of France not yet occupied by Nazi troops.
The deportees were only allowed to take some luggage and 100 Reichsmarks with them. The flat was sealed after they left. As we know today, the flat inventory was offered at auctions as early as December 1940 and was actually bought by Freiburg residents. It probably still exists today in numerous Freiburg flats.
We do not know what exactly happened to SOFIE HEILBRUNNER. Neither in the lists of the dead of Gurs, Noe, Recebedou nor Rivesaltes is her name to be found. Nor does her name appear in the Klarsfeld lists or the Vormeier list. Only in another Klarsfeld list is her name found with the deportation destination Gurs. Officially, she was declared dead.
סופי היילברונר (שם נעורים סופי וויל) נולדה ב28 בספטמבר 1870 בזולצבורג. היא נישאה למפקח הביטוח יוליוס היילברונר. For more information, see Egonstraße 48 שית.
באוקטובר 1940, במהלך חג הסוכות, הם נאלצו להתאסף בHebelschule בStühlinger, יחד עם מ352 יהודים מפרייבורג – ויותר מ6,000 אנשים מבאדן וSaar Palatinate, הם גורשו למחנה ס.
הנאצים, במיוחד הGauleiters Bürckel וWagner, רצו „לטהר את באדן וSaar Palatinate מיהודים“. אף אחד לא ידע בדיוק לאן האנשים המגורשים נלקחו. למדגסקר? משלוחים היו בלתי אפשריים באותו הזמן. ללורד? היו שם הצפות באותו הזמן. אז למחנה הפליטים וללוחמים ספרדים שברחו מהבריגדות הבינלאומיות של לחמת האזחים הספרדית בגירס ובפירנאים. תחילה, גירס באמת היה רק מחנה מעצר, אבל היה שמור קפדנית על ידי המשטרה הצרפתית. הוא היה ממוקם בחלק צרפתי שעוד לא נכבש על ידי הצבא הנאצי.
המגורשים הורשו לקחת איתם קצת מטען ו100 רייכסמארקים בלבד. הדירה נאטמה לאחר שהם עזבו. כיום ידוע לנו שתכולת הדירה הוצעה למכירה פומבית כבר בדצמבר ולמעש ה נקנתה על ידי תושבי פרייבורג. היא כנראה קיימת עד היום בדירות רבות בפרייבורג.
לא ידוע לנו מה בדיוק קרה לסופי היילברונר. שמה לא נמצא ברשימות המתים של מחנות גירס, נואה, רסבדו, או ריווזאלט. שמה לא מופיע גם ברשימות קלרספלד או וורמאייר. רק ברשימה אחרת של קלספרד נמצא שמה, עם יעד הגירוש גירס. רשמית, היא הוכרזה מתה.