Margarete Wolf geb. Herzberg
MARGARETE WOLF was born on April 14, 1885 in Buckau, Prussia, the daughter of Eduard Herzberg and Olga née Heimann. She has been married to MAX WOLF 410, born and living in Freiburg, since 1910. Their marriage produced two children, HERBERT WOLF 435 and Felix Wolf. The family initially lived at Röderstrasse 4. As her husband’s company flourished in later years, they were able to afford to move to the prestigious villa in Freiburg-Wiehre at Urachstrasse 37, which they rented.
We know of no active involvement of MARGARETE WOLF in her husband’s professional activities. Raising her two sons is her responsibility. With the ongoing commitment of her father-in-law and the company founder Joseph Wolf, the management of the large textile company was well represented and very successful for many years.
Erst ab 1938 kommen die einschneidenden Jahre auf die gesamte Familie zu :
- Die Liquidierung des Betriebs und der Stopp aller Aktivitäten im Lörracher Verband für MAX WOLF;
- Die immer unerbittlicher und unverhohlener werdende Diskriminierung und Verfolgung der deutschen Bevölkerung „jüdischen“ Glaubens. Sie gipfelt dann in der Verhaftung und Verschleppung aller ihrer Männer des süddeutschen Raumes in das KZ-Dachau Anfang November 1938 sowie ihrer Internierung und Demütigung zum Zwecke, ihre sofortige Flucht aus Deutschland zu erzwingen.
- Glücklicherweise wird ihr Mann, MAX WOLF, wegen seines Alters von dieser menschenverachtenden Aktion verschont. Aber der Wille, das Land so schnell wie möglich zu verlassen, bleibt bei allen Familienmitgliedern übermächtig.
Die Vorbereitungen zur Auswanderung aus der Heimat, die dramatischen Umstände der Flucht nach Großbritannien, ihr Leben im Exilland und später der Weiterweg in die USA füllen die nächsten 5 Jahre aus; sie werden unter MAX WOLF 410 näher dargestellt. Endlich erreichen sie Anfang 1945 Cincinnati, den Ort wohin schon 1939 ihr Sohn HERBERT WOLF 435 aus politischen Gründen geflüchtet war.
Wie bei fast allen Emigrierten fristen MARGARETE WOLF und ihr Mann ein schmales Leben in den USA. MAX WOLF wird als Arbeiter mit einem kümmerlichen Lohn bezahlt, fernab jeder adäquaten Beschäftigung und ohne Aufstiegsmöglichkeit bei seinem Alter. Dass in späteren Jahren eine recht erfolgreiche Bemühung um Wiedergutmachung und Restitution im Falle der Familie geschehen ist, ist großenteils das Verdienst von MARGARETE WOLF. Über Jahr und Tag ihres Todes sind wir leider noch nicht informiert. Ebenso fehlen uns Quellen, die zum Schicksal ihres zweiten Sohnes Felix Wolf etwas aussagen.
Urachstr. 37.
Quellen: siehe MAX WOLF 410 .
MARGARETE WOLF was born on 14 April 1885 in Buckau, Prussia, the daughter of Eduard Herzberg and Olga née Heimann. She is married to MAX WOLF 410, born and living in Freiburg, since 1910. Two children are born to their marriage, HERBERT WOLF 435 and Felix Wolf. The family first lives at Röderstr. 4. With the flourishing of her husband’s company in later years, they can afford to move into the prestigious villa in Freiburg-Wiehre at Urachstr. 37 to rent.
We know nothing about MARGARETE WOLF’s active participation in her husband’s professional activities. It was her task to bring up her two sons. Also, with the continued involvement of her father-in-law and the company founder Joseph Wolf, the management of the textile wholesale business was well represented anyway and very successful for many years.
It was not until 1938 that the drastic years came for the entire family :
- The liquidation of the company and the halt of all activities in the Lörrach Association for MAX WOLF;
- The increasingly relentless and blatant discrimination and persecution of the German population of „Jewish“ faith. It then culminates in the arrest and deportation of all her men from the South German area to the Dachau concentration camp at the beginning of November 1938, as well as their internment and humiliation for the purpose of forcing their immediate escape from Germany.
- Fortunately, her husband, MAX WOLF, was spared this inhumane action because of his age. But the will to leave the country as soon as possible remains overpowering in all family members.
The preparations for emigration from the homeland, the dramatic circumstances of the flight to Great Britain, their life in the country of exile and later the onward journey to the USA fill the next 5 years; they are described in more detail under MAX WOLF 410. Finally, at the beginning of 1945, they reach Cincinnati, the place where their son HERBERT WOLF 435 had already fled to for political reasons in 1939.
As with almost all emigrants, MARGARETE WOLF and her husband eke out a greater existence in the USA. MAX WOLF is paid a greater wage as a laborer, far from any adequate employment and with no possibility of advancement at his age. The fact that in later years quite successful efforts were made to make amends and restitution in the case of the family is largely due to MARGARETE WOLF. Unfortunately, we are not yet informed about the year and day of her death. We also lack sources that say anything about the fate of her second son Felix Wolf.
Sources: see MAX WOLF 410 .