Zur Übersicht

Julius Heilbrunner

JULIUS HEILBRUNNER, born on July 4, 1874, was married to SOFIE (also Sophie) HEILBRUNNER, née WEIL 115. From 1933 he and his wife lived on the third floor of Egonstrasse 48. In 1939 his sister IDA HEILBRUNNER moved in with them. The insurance inspector and businessman had two other siblings: MARIA NELSON, née HEILBRUNNER, and OSKAR HEILBRUNNER, who was hidden from the Nazis by his „non-Jewish“ wife and many other helpers and thus saved. JULIUS HEILBRUNNER, like his wife, was arrested on October 22, 1940 and deported to Gurs. Both are missing. Their names were not found in the Klarsfeld lists and the so-called Vormeier list, nor in the lists of the dead from Gurs and the subcamps.