Hilde Judas geb. Süssmann
HILDE (Hilda Regina) JUDAS was born on October 27, 1898 as Hilde SÜSSMANN in Ochtendung. She was married to the cattle and horse dealer LEO JUDAS from Ihringen. Together they had two sons, Manfred (*April 2, 1935) and Josef Erwin (*February 17, 1936, according to files also possible in 1926). Manfred and Josef Erwin Judas were saved from the Nazis as children and never wanted to set foot on German soil again. Since it was customary at the time to only enter the husband as „head of household“ in the registration books, Hilde Judas‘ name only appeared in the records after her husband’s deportation to Dachau on November 11, 1938. At that time she was registered at Gresserstrasse 17. HILDE JUDAS was deported to Camp Gurs with her husband on October 22, 1940. From there she was deported via the Drancy concentration camp to the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1942, where she was murdered at the age of 44.
Stolperstein laying for HILDE JUDAS in October 2005.