Zur Übersicht

Dr. Marie Noether geb. Maas

DR.MARIE NOETHER was born as MARIE MAAS on March 5, 1882 in Mannheim. She was married to the passionate and successful chemist and inventor of various medicines that are still in use today, DR.PAUL NOETHER 223. They had two children together, Edith and Rolf. The twins were born on September 13, 1908.

DR.MARIE NOETHER lebte mit der Familie in der Bürgerwehrstraße 11 in Freiburg-Wiehre. Sie war dort aber nie selbst gemeldet. Nach dem Freitod ihres Mannes in der Schweiz am 6. April 1934 zog sie mit ihren beiden Hunden in die Urachstraße 53, zweiter Stock. Sie hatte große Schwierigkeiten beim Gehen. Ihre Tochter und ihr Sohn konnten rechtzeitig nach England fliehen und wurden so gerettet. Der Neffe von MARIE NOETHER, W. E. Norton aus London, war bei der STOLPERSTEIN-Verlegung im Juli 2004 ebenso dabei wie die Enkelin Ursula Noether-Blumenthal und ihr Mann, Professor Blumenthal, aus Atlanta/USA. W. E. Norton sagte über die Deportation seiner Tante:

„Sie wollte Deutschland wegen ihrer zwei Hunde nicht verlassen. Als sie zur Deportation in das
KZ Theresienstadt abgeholt wurde, hat man sie auf einer Trage die Treppe herunterbringen müssen,
sie konnte nicht gehen.“

Er war sehr berührt, als er diese Worte über seine Tante sprach. Dann redete er sie direkt an und brachte den Umstehenden den liebevollen, großzügigen, freundlichen Menschen MARIE NOETHER sehr nahe. DR.MARIE NOETHER wurde am 22. August 1942 mit dem Deportationszug XIII/1 in das KZ Theresienstadt deportiert. Sie wurde dort durch die furchtbaren Lebensbedingungen in diesem grauenvollen KZ am 17. Januar 1943 im Alter von 60 Jahren ermordet.

MARIE NOETHER was born as MARIE MAAS on the 5th of March 1882 in Mannheim. She was married to the passionate chemist and inventor of multiple, still used, medications DR. PAUL NOETHER 223. together they had two children, Edith and Rolf. The twins were born on September 13th 1908.

MARIE NOETHER lived with her Family in Bürgerwehrstraße 11 in Freiburg-Wiehre. But she was never registered there herself. After the death of her husband in Switzerland on the 6th of April 1934 she moved to the 2nd floor in Urachstraße 53 together with her two dogs. She had huge difficulties walking. Her daughter and her son could flee to England in time and therefore be saved. MARIE NOETHER’s nephew, W. E. Norton from London was, like granddaughter Ursula Noether-Blumenthal and her husband professor Blumenthal from Atlanta, also present at the STOLPERSTEIN installation in July 2004. About the deportation of his aunt W. E. Norton said the following:

“She didn’t want to leave Germany because of her two dogs. When they came to pick her up to be deported to the concentration camp Theresienstadt, they had to bring her down the stairs on a stretcher, she couldn’t walk.”

He was very touched when saying those words about his aunt. Then he addressed her directly and brought the loving, generous, friendly person that MARIE NOETHER was close to the bystanders. DR. MARIE NOETHER was deported to the concentration camp Theresienstadt on the 22nd of August 1942 with the Deportation-train XIII/1. She was murdered there on January 17, 1943 at the age of 60 due to the terrible living conditions in this horrible concentration camp.

DR.MARIE NOETHER was called MARIE MAAS on 5 March 1882 in Mannheim. She is married to DR. Ils ont eu ensemble des enfants, Edith et Rolf. The jumeaux were not on September 13, 1908.

DR.MARIE NOETHER lives with her family at 11 de la Bürgerwehrstraße in Fribourg-Wiehre. Elle n’y a cependant jamais été enregistrée. After the suicide of his son in Switzerland on April 6, 1934, it was announced with two children at 53 de la Urachstraße, on the lower floor. Elle avait de grandes difficultés à marcher. The girl and her daughter are on the water in the Angleterre and on the surface are sauvés. The new woman of MARIE NOETHER, WE Norton from Londres, presented the pose of STOLPERSTEIN in July 2004, as small as Ursula Noether-Blumenthal and her son Mari, the professor Blumenthal, d’Atlanta/USA. WE Norton explained about the deportation of his aunt:

„Elle ne voulait pas quitter l’Allemagne à cause de ses deux chiens. Lorsqu’elle a été envoyée en deportation au camp de concentration de Theresienstadt, on a dû la faire descendre les escaliers sur une civière, elle ne pouvait pas marcher“.

It is very similar to the motifs of the tante’s subject. The ensuite address is direct to the eye and can be discovered by people who present the human being aiming, généreux and aimable to MARIE NOETHER. DR.MARIE NOETHER was deported on the 22nd of 1942 by the deportation train XIII/1 at the concentration camp in Theresienstadt. This assassination took place on January 17, 1943, at the age of 60, in the circumstances of the terrible concentration camp.